The Three Musketeers
It is the year 1627, and young d´Artagnan comes to Paris with a dream - to become a King´s Musketeer. Three of these brave soldiers -...

A Close Shave
When Wallace the inventor meets Wendolene in her wool shop, he falls in love with her at once. But why does her dog, Preston, hate...

The Swiss Family Robinson
Mr and Mrs Robinson are travelling by ship from Switzerland to Australia with their four sons. Suddenly, the ship crashes into some rocks...

Cathy´s Dreams
Cathy Harris began her life in an orphanage in Sri Lanka. Cathy, now 14, is happy and living in Cornwall, England. But then she starts to...

Bathsheba the Witch
Bathsheba, a beautiful Weather Witch, lives with her cat, Cobweb, on top of a mountain near the village of Sunnyville. Her life is...

Harry´s Holiday
Harry looked at the advert. "Write five hundred words about why you want a holiday," he read. "You are good at writing stories", said...