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Website Structure

Your collaborative secret website must have the following tabs and information.

How to work collaboratively in Wix

Option A

One of you creates the site (you can use your personal account) and send the other partners a contribution invitation.


To invite contributors:


1. Open the Contributors dashboard.

2. Click Add Contributor.

3. Enter the contributor's email address.
    Note: You can only add one email address at a time,     but you can add unlimited site contributors.

4. Click Invite.


Contributors accept an invitation by loging in to Wix with their account.


WATCH OUT! The invite is valid for 30 days. If the invite expires, you can resend it.

Option B

If you all want to have access and the same options to edit the site, you must create a Wix account using and sharing the email address and the password.


Create a specific email address before signing in to Wix:


1. Use a name that you will all remember (name of the       project, name of the detective agency, etc...)

2. Choose a password that you will all remember




REMEMBER this is a collaborative project so you need to talk and be in contact so that all of you agree on what has to be done.


How to structure your Wix Site

#1 HOME 

This is your welcome page to your site, that is, your business card. It is your great chance to cause an impact on your reader (New Scotland Yard and the Museum). Work hard on the logo (which must be put on the header), the colour palette and the typography. In case of need, read this Step-by step guide to create a professional looking website.


This is also the page where you will introduce yourselves embedding your taking avatar.


In this tab you must include a picture of the painting without the character (you can dowload it from this site) and one with the character in it. You must write a short text explaining what has happened. 


In this part of the website you will upload the tasks corresponding to challenges 3 to 10.


If you work on the basic mode, you will write in Wix as you would do on a word processor. You will also upload your tasks directly onto Wix using any of the formats supported. You can check the supported file format HERE.


However, if you work on the advanced mode, you will need to sign in and create your accounts in all the suggested 2.0 applications to be able to embed your final products into Wix.


In this tab you must keep trace of the points you get as you finish your tasks and of those you redeem for new clues.


        A badge wallet has been designed so that you can keep trace of your points. At the end of the game you will be given the badge according to your final score.


In this section you will add the links to all the desktop applications (ICT Tools) that you have used to do the tasks.


This is where you will reflect on the tasks and the process of the investigation. It is a kind of journal which will help you keep trace of all the clues in the investigation process and think in a logical way.


This is where most of the voluntary tasks (those that will help you earn points) will be posted.


Once the game is over and the character has been found, you will count your final score and will be awarded your new rank.


In the footer

add the link to this site and the one to the class website by grabbing these icons.

  • Facebook B&W
  • Twitter B&W

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© Mystery at the Museum: Eye on you by Mercè Ballabriga Arbonés - 2016

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